If this is an emergency and/or someone is in danger, please call 911.
I am:
Reporting a Concern About:
Type of Incident:
Get help finding the right form for your situation.

Anonymous Option
Forms marked with this icon allow you to remain anonymous by withholding identifying information (name, email, etc.) on the form. In most cases, it is preferable that you provide your name and contact information so that the University can respond most effectively to your report. Users of REPORTLINE have the ability to communicate through a unique pin code while maintaining anonymity.

Academic Integrity Reporting Form (Undergraduate)
I am a: | Faculty |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student |
Type of Incident: | Academic Integrity |
Faculty and instructors are to complete this form following attempted outreach to the student regarding the academic misconduct.

Anonymous Crime Tip

I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Anyone |
Type of Incident: | Crime Tip |
Please contact the UConn Police Department if you have any information on a crime that has been committed, is in commission or is being planned. Do not use for emergency or exigent circumstances; call 911 instead.
Go To Report
Bias Incident Report

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Student Organization, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Bias |
Report incidents that negatively target, intimidate, or threaten an individual or group due to race, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical, mental, and intellectual disabilities, as well as past/present history of mental disorders.

Call 911

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Anyone |
Type of Incident: | Safety Threat to Self or Others |
Call or text to 911. If non-emergency, contact 860-486-4800.

Care Team Referral

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Student, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Safety Threat to Self or Others |
Use this form if you have a concern about a student who you perceive to be threatening, harming or disruptive to themselves or those around them. If this is an emergency and/or someone is in danger, please call 911.

Community Standards Referral Form

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Student Behavior |
Report violations of the Student Code of Conduct such as disruptive behavior, alcohol, drugs, and more.

Employees of Concern (Employee Relations)
I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Employee |
Type of Incident: | Employee Behavior |
Email the Employees of Concern team if you have a concern about a UConn employee who is displaying behaviors that may interfere with their ability to be successful in the workplace or whose behavior is substantially interfering with the work environment of their colleagues. If this is an emergency and/or someone is in danger, please call 911.

Hazing Reporting Form

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Student Organization, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Hazing |
If you feel you have been hazed or harmed, or you have seen or know of a hazing/harmful incident, you are encouraged to report the incident using the online form.

Off-Campus Party Referral

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Grad Student, Student Organization |
Type of Incident: | Off-Campus Party |
Report community disruptions as a result of an off-campus party or gathering.
Go To Report
Office of Institutional Equity Reporting Form

I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Anyone |
Type of Incident: | Discrimination/ |
This form may be used for all concerns regarding Prohibited Conduct under the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence.

Office of Institutional Equity Reporting Form

I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Faculty, Staff |
Type of Incident: | Bias |
This form may be used for all concerns regarding Prohibited Conduct under the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence.

Office of Institutional Equity Reporting Form

I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Grad Student, Faculty, Staff |
Type of Incident: | Sexual/Gender Misconduct |
This form may be used for all concerns regarding Prohibited Conduct under the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence.

Student Organization Misconduct Referral

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Student Organization |
Type of Incident: | Student Behavior |
Report violations by Registered Student Organizations of the Student Code of Conduct, such as disruptive behavior, alcohol, drugs, and more.


I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Anyone |
Type of Incident: | Violation of Policy or Law |
Use this form if you are concerned that a member of the UConn community has violated policies and/or the law. You may also make a report by speaking with a Call Support Specialist at 1-888-685-2637. Reports may be made in any language.

Scholarly Misconduct Reporting Form (Graduate School)
I am a: | Faculty |
Reporting a: | Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Scholarly Misconduct (Graduate) |
Use this form to report failure to uphold standards of scholarly integrity in teaching, learning, research, or service.

Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence Referral Form

I am a: | Anyone (including UConn Health) |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Sexual/Gender Misconduct |
Report acts of sexual/gender misconduct such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, interpersonal violence, and dating violence.

Residential Life Incident Report

I am a: | Anyone |
Reporting a: | Undergraduate Student, Grad Student |
Type of Incident: | Student Behavior |
Report incidents that occur in the Residential Areas. The incidents will be evaluated for potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
It doesn’t appear we have a form to report a concern involving the situation you selected. Please review your selection. If there is not a form that fits the concern, you may utilize the Community Standards Referral Form and staff from that office will forward the report to the appropriate area.
Individuals at UConn Health seeking to report other concerns involving students or residents may contact either the School of Medicine (860-679-7599), the School of Dental Medicine (860-679-2304), the Graduate School (860-679-3849) or the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office (860-679-2147).